We provide the best in 极速赛车_168开奖官网_开奖记录 hospital equipment and chemicals by delivering quality medical supplies and equipment that meet industry standards.
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We supply high quality eco- friendly laboratory Chemicals and equipment. Our strict demand for quality always ensure the highest quality products.
Laboratory Chemicals
We supply a very wide range of high quality eco- friendly and safe Industrial Chemicals that meet industrial standards.
Industrial Chemicals
We provide common but extensive range of Laboratory Chemicals and Reagent for Secondary / High Schools.
School Chemicals
& Equipment

Who We Are

Lab Enterprises was formed in 2000 after observing that there was lack of good laboratory services in the country. The company has made strides by becoming a major supplier to prominent hospitals and schools across the country.

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We Supply High Quality Laboratory Instruments and More. We focus on supporting multiple industries including Academic, Industial, General Laboratories and the Medical sector. We supply:

Hospital Equipment

We provide the best in hospital equipment and chemicals to hospitals by delivering medical supplies and equipment that meet your requirements.

Industrial Chemicals

We supply high a wide range of high quality eco- friendly and safe Industrial Chemicals that meet industrial Chemical standards

Laboratory Chemical

We supply high quality eco- friendly laboratory Chemicals. Our strict demand for quality always ensure the highest quality products.

School Chemicals & Equipment

We provide a common but extensive range of Laboratory Chemicals and Reagent for Secondary / High Schools lab experiments.

News & Events

Chuma Mwale leads Lab Chess qualifiers

After a two-year poor form, Chuma Mwale regained his winning formula during the two-day Southern Region second edition qualifiers of…

Kamowa is Lab Chess 2nd Edition champion

After almost a year in oblivion, James Kamowa returned to the limelight on 9th October 2011 at the College of…

Nyambalo guarantees to defend Lab Chess title

With this year’s first edition finals of the Lab Enterprises Chess Championships ready to start at the College of Medicine…

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